Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Welcome everyone.

This is where I share my life on a day-to-day basis. It will not always be adventurous, happy-ever-after or even interesting, but this is MY story.

I will try to keep it up to date, so stay tuned for inevitable new posts that will follow…

  • Ugh… a little deflated.

    Ugh… a little deflated.

    Not everything is going to plan with the car… or at least it is taking longer than expected,    There are more inspections that the car needs to go through now.  It passed the MPI inspection but customs decided that they want to have another look at her.  Maybe they just want to see her,…

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  • Keeping busy and doing updates.

    Keeping busy and doing updates.

    And also taking a little (not so well deserved) rest,    I continued the work in the garden this morning in between the wild weather we had today.  Wind, crazy wind in between sunshine showers… really weird.  It wasn’t nice to be out there, but every little bit helps.  Looks like the netting might work…

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  • Spending more time outside.

    Spending more time outside.

    While the sun is out,    Ugh, my garden…  I am not fond of it, but I try to keep it clean and tidy.  It is in need of a deep clean as I didn’t spend lots of time on it after being back from South Africa.  The black birds are having a “party” spreading…

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