Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

14 January.

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The day that changed my life 5 years ago, 
Yes, an interesting day, being the 14th of January and all and the 5 year anniversary of that awful day that took someone special away from me and some of you too.  I honestly don’t have a lot of connection to the day anymore, but I do find that I need to support other people through this day.  I was not the only one that lost someone special on that day unfortunately.  Still, I do take note when the day swings past on the calendar and I do think back about, would have, could have, should have…  I made a trip to go say hello and go do little gardening there too, making sure everything is nice and tidy.  
I spent more time at home, outside as well, preparing to power wash the fence tomorrow if everything goes according to plan.  What a job, but I have to get it done.  I started painting the fence almost a year ago and cannot believe that I am still not finished.  Grrrrr… like a monster.  I don’t know what else to say… it remains a funky day.  
43.5323 – 172.5567 
14 January 2025

4 responses to “14 January.”

  1. A funky day indeed ..

    Yes we all lost someone special that day – but she was your extra special ..
    You were in my thoughts the whole day!
    The Proteas are beautifully perfect! “-)

  2. Dink die dag sal vir ewig in ons gedagtes ingeëts bly soos letter wat in rots uitgekap is, maar met jare groei mos daaroor om dit te versag. Dankie vir die moeite wat jy doen om daardie rusplekkie iets besonder te hou.

    • Verseker verewig in ons harte.
      Ek spandeer regtig nie baie tyd by daardie rusplekkie meer nie, maar dinge lyk okay daar.