Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Twizel – Day 32 (Part 2).

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Happy and blessed Easter to everyone, 
I woke up this morning before sunrise,  and made a point of getting breakfast going before the sandflies wake up and to sit down and simply “BE” and watch the sunrise. Such a privilege to be able to do that and in such a beautiful spot. I captured the photo below with my tent in the bushes below the moon.
Like I said, to everyone out there, happy Easter and if you are religious, may it be a time of contemplation, peace and a blessed new spiritual year for you and your family. For the rest of us simply just in it for the chockies, may it be a yummy, sweet time in your lives too. When ever I get asked “Do you eat eggs?” it is always followed by the same answer, “Yes, two types: chicken and easter”.
One of my friends actually reminded me to perhaps purchase some Easter eggs for the Haaikie this year because the Easter bunny might not find me out here with all my travels. So this was the mission today, make it to Twizel while the shops were still open to get some eggs, Easter eggs. The first part of today was mostly down, next to, the Ohau River until it joins Lake Ruataniwha. Try saying that name 3 times in a row? Everywhere the trees are announcing that autumn is most certainly in full swing.
I reached the lake in time for lunch, so nice sitting down and watching the boats go by. Most of the water from Lake Ohau, Pukaki and Tekapo ends up going through here, on its way to Benmore and ultimately the coast in what is called the Waitaki hydro scheme. An interesting project taking the power generation capabilities of water to the limit with fairly simple engineering principles and gravity.
Close to 3:30pm, mission accomplished,  making it to Twizel and filling up my bag with snacks and some easter eggs for the Haaikie. I wil be tenting at the holiday park tonight before moving on tomorrow to Lake Pukaki.   
44.2707 – 170.0703
30 March 2024

6 responses to “Twizel – Day 32 (Part 2).”

  1. Báie bly jy geniet dit so. Pragtige foto’s. Bly jy het so lekker by die Lodge gekuier. Geniet die Paaseiers. Lekker stap verder.

  2. Sjoe Philip maar dit is mooi daar en die water nogsteeds so n mooi helder blou. Bly jy het vir jou voorraad ingepak anders weet ek nie wat doen jou hamster nie.

    • Vir seker, die water nog steeds so helder blou soos julle dit onthou. Ja die Hamster hou van die stap, stilte en eenvoudigheid van die lewe maar die Haaikie stem nie saam nie. Hy is partymaal maar moeilik om mee huis te hou.