Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Lake Tekapo – Day 34.

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Set to be a loooong day, 
I spent the night at a basic Te Araroa campsite, it was a flat space of land with water from the canal. I took this picture yesterday evening while the sun went down, but it was actually a good night in hindsight.
I got going early this morning knowing that 35km of walking lay ahead. It started out with fog again, and I made quick progress climbing the ridge to reach the canal.
After reaching the canal, the road ahead was going to be flat and a little unimaginative unfortunately, but I will push on. I have to walk for 22km along the canal on mostly hard surfaces today.
Interesting how the idea of a canal seems simple, but the engineering is still intense, especially surrounding everything else that needs to be redirected. It takes priority above everything else. Roads, rivers, power lines, stock movements… you name it, everything else need to be diverted or moved to maintain the gradient of the canal. Lunchtime I had to break out the partymix to give the Haaikie something to burn in the “boiler room”
Soon the fog lifted, and I could get a glimpse of the mountain range ahead that I will cross in a couple of days.
And then, the lake. Pictures cannot really do it justice, but I try. Time for a coke, and a smile… the day was long and the pain brings out the emotions.
Tenting here tonight, but not before going to the hot springs for a relaxing evening. Oh, and happy April 1 day, hope nobody got caught out.
43.9981 – 170.4609
1 April 2024

3 responses to “Lake Tekapo – Day 34.”

  1. Oh my Gosh Philip… Some days.. You e Haaikie really has me worried
    Party Mix and the a Coke to round it off!!! “-)))
    Ai Ai..

    The views remain breathtaking!

    • Yes, some days the Hamster just gives up, or gives in. The Haaikie must get his ways sometimes like the other fictional characters in my body too.