Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Stag Saddle on to Stone Hut – Day 37.

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Today is a bit of a milestone day, 
Leaving the hut early this morning after sharing it with two other gents (good) and unfortunately also some rodents (bad) last night. I managed to fix the chimney yesterday and kept the wood burner going during the stormy night. This made the storm winds and rain a little easier to tolerate and the hut nice and warm this morning. You learn to appreciate the small and little things in life on the TA that you would otherwise so easily take for granted. 
Apologies in advance, there are lots of blue sky, tussock and scree photos to follow… Climbing for most of the day today, to cross Stag Saddle (in the distance in the photo below), the highest point of the TA at more than 1925m above mean sea level. It is a milestone because I always lacked a little confidence, not sure if I will ever make it to the top or not. 
Another reason it is a milestone is because it is just about halfway of the South Island TA, finished and done. To be honest it feels a little unreal that I made it this far, all the way from Invercargill in what feels like a couple of weeks… on foot.
The view kept on getting better and better as the altimeter increased, with Lake Tekapo getting further away, but the surrounding mountains starting to show face. Captured this panoramic picture close to the top, already high in the scree, but such a impressive view.
Not before long, I made it to the top and time to break out the victory Coke. If ever there was a need for a victory Coke, this was the time, so I hauled this 600g up the mountain all the way from Tekapo. Many of Coca Cola’s slogans comes to mind, but this one from the late 1980’s stands out on this occasion “Can’t beat the feeling”.
Down the other side, not all easy, following a river through constricted places all the way to Royal Hut. It is not particularly fancy, but is named Royal Hut because allegedly some members of the Royal family visited it once. It was just before 2pm, and the Haaikie had that Coke to burn in the boiler room, so I pushed on another 6km to Stone hut.
I am feeling so proud, actually having a chance to do all of this and pulling it off to some degree. I am starting to make plans to come off the trail in a couple days and again there are mixed emotions. Looking forward to clean bedding, pizza, friends and no mice… but no scenery like today, quiet time to think or being alone for days with only your thoughts. Stone Hut is peaking out around the corner in the photo below, so rest for now, tomorrow is a new day.
43.6865 – 170.7710
4 April 2024

4 responses to “Stag Saddle on to Stone Hut – Day 37.”

  1. Bly vir die mylpaal wat jy bereik het. Wys net weer, dit is nie noodwendig groot spronge wat jy neem wat jou help om jou doel te bereik nie, maar die konstante klein treetjies wat jou bring waar jy wil wees. Elke stroom wat jy oorsteek, elke saalrug waaroor jy gaan, elke hut wat jy bereik is in die kleine ‘n mylpaal. Kan net sê: “Veg voort dapper held.”