Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Back Home, Pro’s and Con’s.

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After a bit of a rough week adjusting to being home, 
I decided to write a little list of what I like and the things I miss about being home and away from the Te Araroa.  It was tougher than I expected to be back, knowing that the TA is on hold for this season I am filled with mixed emotions and random thoughts.  
The easy stuff: 
1.) I finally got use to sleeping back in my own bed and enjoy being able to sleep like a starfish again, spread out over a queen mattress under a puffy, warm, cosy winter duvet. Not missing my sleeping bag at all right now.  The down side to this is waking up in the same place every morning, not stepping out directly into nature, being greeted by a unique view I might never forget.
2.) Transport, my ute and my bicycle.  Wow, how we take for granted the luxury of being able to move quickly over great distances.  I forgot how I can drive in 20min what sometimes took me a whole day to walk.  I said to myself that I will still walk to the shops and back weekly, but this still needs to happen.  The “con” to this one is the speed, not having the time to stop and absorb the surroundings you are seemingly zipping through is terrible.  While I walk, I get the sense that I am exploring the place as I trek through it, taking in the sounds and smells while admiring the scenery. 
3.) Electricity is a “mixed bag”.  I love having light in the evening, extending the day to continue doing things, but hate that I sometime turn on the TV and waste the evening in any case.
4.) Not having to carry “everything I own”, especially my food.  Having a fridge stocked with bad things I like and shopping at the supermarket without looking at what everything weighs is awesome.  Opening the doors to my pantry and having a selection of things to make, eat and snack on… yum.  The flip side of this coin, staying healthy and not gaining weight, losing all my fitness and becoming a blob, again. Maybe this is item 4 and 5?
6.) Yay! The ability to be clean, a hot shower, soap and shampoo, and a complete wash bag with all the other non essentials.  This includes being able to do laundry at home in the evening and put on fresh clothes in the morning.  I hate the smell that sometimes follow me on the trail, and how hard it is to “shake” it off after a hard day’s walk, knowing the smell will be back tomorrow.  I don’t like the fact that I have no excuse now to maintain the beard. (It is still growing, and growing on me)
7.) Paragliding.  I like being back in the air, and my flying changed dramatically.  I feel so comfortable in the sky, relaxed and I like to think I am more gentle with my wing and fly better, more precise, paying more attention. I fell like me head is back in the game.
The harder things:
8.) I really miss the simplicity of the trail. “Sleep, Eat, Walk, Eat, Repeat…”  I know my life cannot remain this simple for ever, but it was great when it was.  Not that I completely hate the complexity of a day in the city, keeping up with technology, friends, making holiday plans, keeping the garden in check and cleaning my home.  BUT I have to find the middle ground, take a day here and there and still completely disconnect.  Time to think. It is so easy to get caught up and feel rushed, trying to do everything at all at once. 
9.) Open space… being alone with nature under the sun.  I enjoyed it more than I care to admit.  My allergies are so much better and my skin can take the sun to a certain degree.
10.) In person connections, something I always found difficult and tough to create and manage, and to be honest I still do.  But I think I have a better appreciation for them, taking better care of the few I have.  The trail got very lonely at times, and it unfortunately takes one to be truly lonely to realise what daily interactions you take for granted.  I wanted to be alone on the trail, have time to myself, time to think… but a great old friend of mine once said: “No use in living if you don’t have someone to witness it.”   
43.5323 – 172.5567
26 April 2024

4 responses to “Back Home, Pro’s and Con’s.”

  1. Good insights and observations you have of your journey so far. Pros and cons in all things right? I’m sure you’ll figure out your ‘next steps’ as you pivot and adjust.

  2. Ah ja..
    The “taking for granted” thing..

    Ekke was buite in my tuin die week..
    3 Bergies kom aangstap..
    Heel happy, want dit is bin dag, en hulle het n paar dinge uit die bins ontdek..
    Meeste van hulle se dag begin al 05h00 of even vroeer (this all, to scratch in bins)
    En dis n trollie race van vroeg af om eerste by die bins uit te kom..
    Maar soos wat die 3 aangstap kom.. praat hulle oor iets.. in hul tipiese Afrikaanse Kaapse aksent
    En bars toe nou uit van die lag 3n het n klomp funny goed te se.. Vou amper dubbel soos hulle uit hulle maag uit lag..
    So en so dat Ekke ook staan en lag..

    En net daar tref dit my..
    Ek kla heelemal te veel and take things for granted, en en en..
    Hier stap hierdie 3 drie en hulle het “niks”.. and they are “happy” on life!