Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Taking a break – “Babysitting” and booking flights.

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It was a very cold night in Christchurch, 
Winter is most certainly making its mark on the garden outside with short days of sunlight followed by frost.  This morning I found the water in the bird bath outside was frozen, not just the top layer, but the whole thing, solid.  Time to put out the tiny scarves, legwarmers and skates to see if the birds will take up a new “skating hobby”. 
Originally I planned to get some landscaping work done today, but then plans changed.  I was entrusted to look after a bundle a cuteness for the day.  Yes, babysitting, looking after Xena for the day while there is fence construction work going on at her home.  I mean, look at this… how could I say no.
She kept me busy, always up for playing, but I managed to sneak in some bookings in between the playtime while she was “recharging” in the sun. 
So the dates for my trip are now final. In Denver, USA (18 to 28 July) followed by Europe, France (29 July to 14 August).  Then on the Switzerland (14 to 18 August) followed by Belgium (18 to 21 August).  Flying “down” to Cape Town then on the 21 of August… the absolute best way to spend my birthday, on a 12 hour flight to the mother city.  Will remain in South Africa then until the 24th of October, but will fit in a two week paragliding holiday with Clint in Cape Town around early October.  Wow, what a trip, hopefully adventure to follow…  Thank you to everyone accommodating my in Europe.  I honestly would not have been able to afford the trip in Europe if it wasn’t for you.
43.5323 – 172.5567
10 May 2024

4 responses to “Taking a break – “Babysitting” and booking flights.”

  1. Look at that cardigan 🤣
    He looks like he should be smoking a pipe while reading a newspaper in that outfit!

    • LOL, technically I remember “he” being a “she” actually… but you are correct. A newspaper and smoking a pipe would be a good match. I think I have a photo of her in a hi-viz jacket on a construction site too.

  2. Yo.. Omtrent n jam packed trip wat voorle!

    And now that SA is grey listed it is even more difficult to obtain, visas, etc..
    The Reserve Bank making our lives quite difficult around Foreign Payments..

    Xena is cuteness Overload! “-)

    As for your landscaping..
    n groot job wat jy aangepak het…
    But there is something rewarding about doing something like this” -)

    • This trip is by far my longest one ever, or is it really a trip if you are staying with your parents? Hmmm. Yes RSA is a sad state of affairs unfortunately, so much potential lost unfortunately.

      I am glad the landscaping is done for now. Happy with the result as well, even though the stones still need another wash or two, and have to settle down a little. I am walking across them everyday to help them all into place.