Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

A special friend that I will always remember.

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We all have at least one special person, 
A friend that we can tell everything to, or one that has been around since forever, or the one that almost feel like he/she could be a sibling…  If you still have one of these, I hope that you celebrate their life and their birthday every year.
I was lucky enough to have had such a friend (and more) for a number of years before losing her in 2020.  The real tragedy was how early in life it happened and how sudden the loss was.  Nothing will ever be able to replace her or the print she left on my life.
To everyone celebrating the life of Trudi today(yesterday), my wife, my business partner, great friend to many, a sister and a lost daughter – daughter in law… she lives forever as memories in all of our hearts. 
43.5323 – 172.5567
19 May 2024

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