Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Continuing with meditation.

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Not much change in the weather, or what I am doing today, 
Trying to build this morning on the good meditation work from yesterday.  It is so interesting to witness how my body behaves during each sitting.  Sometimes it is playing cool, behaving and not giving me any trouble to stay in a rest position and just let my brain get on with things. Other times, like this morning, it is just like a little grumpy kid, high on sugar.  Struggling to settle down.  
I had an appointment with my barber-ess as well today.  Even though she is providing a service, we still have a professional relationship and it is good to catch with her and her life.  She is into a lot of funky things like having a “primary” hair colour like Green or Pink – and yes I deliberately spelled both those colours with capital letters, because they deserve it.  She is also into body suspension… and you might need to look that up on Google, but beware, the images are not for the faint hearted.  She keeps on inviting me, but I don’t believe she is serious about the invitation, neither am I thinking of going, ever.
43.5323 – 172.5567
22 May 2024

2 responses to “Continuing with meditation.”

  1. Hehe..
    Body Suspension

    Will leave it at that… 🙃

    Pic or nothing happened 😜