Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

(Very) lazy Saturday.

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I have to admit, I was shamefully lazy today, 
It started with me rolling out of bed, grabbing my laptop and getting straight back into bed.  I am sure everyone has days like this, or at least would like to have days like this if they could afford them.  I spent the day surfing away on the internet and playing a very old, now open source, strategy game from the 1990-tees.  It was fun, but I feel a little ashamed for “wasting” what seemed to be a perfectly good day of my life away.    
Towards the evening I fortunately had to get out of bed.  Fighting off the tentacles and escaping the clutches of my warm and comfy bed to get dressed and leave the house.   The Haaikie was getting hungry and I made dinner reservations with a group of friends at the Little High Eatery.  It was great getting out, spending an evening in the city, having wood fired pizza and catching up on conversation with other people.  Afterwards we followed it on with an action packed, gruesome, apocalyptical movie on the BIG screen.  In the digital world of today we forget the experience of the cinema.  It was a great evening with great friends.
Except perhaps for: Why did one of my friends refund me the movie tickets in cash, mostly coins?  Ugh.    
43.5323 – 172.5567
1 June 2024