Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

The Te Araroa is calling.

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No excuses, I am going back on the trail in November, 
Someone, lets call her a “friend” of a Emily’s, sent me a link to a podcast from Radio NZ.  Perhaps she also reads my blog, if so… you know who you are and thank you.  Especially after yesterday, it really got me thinking and I have decided: I am going back to the TA in November.  Most certainly to finish the South Island section, if not the whole thing.  If you have 30min or so, please listen to “Our souls travel at 3km/h” here:  I could relate to so much of what he was saying and realised how much I was missing being on the trail.  
Trying again not to plan too much, come late November, I will take the train to Picton, cross the Cook Strait on the ferry and start the North Island section of the TA in Wellington, walking north.  I will have to wait for the snow in the Richmond Ranges to melt and the rivers to drop before attempting to complete the South Island section.  I am telling all of you now… (more than 10 people).
Watch this [space].    
43.5323 – 172.5567
11 June 2024