Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Exploring the city of Denver.

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I knew Denver was going to be big, but wow, 
This place is proper city, the kind of city I am not use to anymore.  I mean Christchurch is called a city, but Denver has a larger population than the whole of New Zealand.  I managed to get out of bed this morning at a reasonable hour and take an Uber into lower downtown Denver. Just going to walk around and see where I end up, starting at the train station.  
Up through 16th Street “mall”… which has its own free bus service going up and down the “mall”.
It is really hot today, I have to watch out that I don’t get sun burnt.  Soon found myself at the Colorado State Capital building… the dome is real 24 carat gold leaf, showing off the wealth in gold that use to be here.
After a late lunch, a brief peak into the art museum, I ended up at the Botanical Gardens.  Taking in the sights,  sounds and sun.
Once done with the gardens, I found a nice bakary for some “essentials” and a trip to the supermarket for a thing or two.  Very nice day out in the warm sun, helping to shake this cough I still struggle with and the last bit of jetlag. 
-39.8175 – -104.7509 
19 July 2024

2 responses to “Exploring the city of Denver.”

  1. A mall with it’s own bus service.. Wow..
    Really gives you perspective of just how Big!

    The Botanical Gardens are Truly Fantamagical..

    Now following the Artists on Instagram who created these Fantastical Creatures 😊

    • To use your words… yes those “fantamagical” and “fantastical” creatures are impressive and scattered all around the gardens.