Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Spinning around.

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Today was little “mixed bag”, but not a good, party mix, 
It started with the weather changing away from what was predicted, more cloudy than usual.  So this morning was late start getting out of bed, and tackling some of the domestic chores like the dishes and the laundry.  It doesn’t really matter what I do here, it is all good and I am happy, even while putting my bedding through the laundry.  
Catching up with my thoughts is so easy, and I find myself often in a meditation mindset, just sitting down somewhere with my eyes wide open.  Peaceful, sunny and beautiful…  I was also thinking back of a friend I met during the retreat in Denver, and getting in touch to “check in”.  It was great to hear from her and the unfortunate adversity she is facing and overcoming in her own life.  One thing I remembered from the retreat was the fact of how lucky I am, to have the life and the opportunities I have.  So many people are “in”, real deep, and my problems seems like a “walk in the park” compared to theirs.
What was I rambling on about?  Oh, back to my day…  My generous hosts invited me later in the day to Doussard, to catch the bus up to Montmin and go for a flight.  I knew it was going to be rough (in my books) at 3pm, but I launched in anticipation that I won’t stay willingly in the air for too long.  I made it to the Planfait landing, packed up and caught the free public bus back to the top.  I knew it would calm down later in day, I just had to wait, till maybe after 6pm.  So I waited and after 6pm the wind backed off a little and I tried to launch. There was a herd of people trying to launch all at the same time, and I must admit my attempt wasn’t flawless, but somehow, one of the launching marshals noticed that a had broken a line.  What? How? When?  And a pretty thick and important line was broken in two somehow. Ugh.  I love how this wing fly, but it has been plagued with primary line problems from the start.  I never had so many issues with lines like I have with this glider, and less than two weeks after a full service and inspection.  Devastated is not even close to how I felt, having to pack my wing and ask for a lift back in one of the tandem paragliding operator’s vehicle.  I guess the are firsts for everything, and this was a first, driving down from Montmin. I felt like a fool on launch to say the least.  Pathetic.

Made it back home and after sitting down and having dinner, I had to concentrate hard to change my mindset and not let this affect my holiday, or put a wet blanket on my whole French holiday. Sure this is a hickup, but not the end of the world.  I will be honest, it was tough, but it helps to catch those unconscious thoughts, stop/debunk/change them and get on with being happy and feeling abundant. Tomorrow is a new day with fresh new opportunities and I need to have more trust in the universe… it will all work out.
43.5323 – 172.5567
8 August 2024

2 responses to “Spinning around.”

  1. If we had nothing to test us, how would we learn? You are learning plenty and coming out stronger for it.
    Add to that, your awesome friends, the great launch team at Montim, the support you’re getting from Rip-air, and you have a lot (abundance) to be thankful for.