Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Probably my final day of flying in France.

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The prediction was looking good today, and tomorrow is looking like thunderstorms again and I still need to get all my stuff back in my bags, 
So, I said goodbye to one of my hosts this morning, she is relocating to their other place in France, closer to her daughter and the grandkids.  They were, as always, kind enough to give me a ride to the other side of the lake.  So kind of them.  I “checked out” another demonstration wing today, to see how it handles, and behaves.  In a weird turn of events, I ended up at Planfait launch this morning.  A German couple were kind enough to give me a ride up in “exchange” for a site briefing.  For a moment it felt like a zoom meeting at the old Leopard.  I was speaking in English to the woman while she translated into German for her partner… (f)un.  We got there in the end and I scored a free ride up the hill with a forward launch and a “sleddy” back down.  Then back up to Montmin and flying down again to Doussard before the thermic day really kicked off.  Unfortunately, because of the time of day, the queue at Doussard for a lift up was quite long, so I had to wait, wait, wait… before making it back to Montmin for my third flight.  I just had to remember to be calm, trust in the universe and it will all work out in the end.  
I am flying the Skywalk Arak 2 wing again today.  I was under the impression this wing is the 115kg model, but between the French assistant at the shop and I, we got it wrong and this one is the 105kg model.  My weight with everything, including the glider is about 105kg, so I am right at the top of the weight range.  The glider flies well, and I can certainly feel that its behavior is less dynamic than my Nova Mentor 6 or in fact the Niviuk Ikuma I flew the other day.  I do like the fact that it seems I can still “go places” with the wing, flying into the wind to the Don’s and a little back to test its forward speed.  It was certainly rough conditions (for me at least) out there and the glider behaved itself.  I ended up landing in Planfait again to make the logistics of returning the wing easier.  I like this wing more than the Ikuma, but I still love the Mentor that I am flying at the moment… even with all its line problems.  I will see what is available next year when I have a little cash to purchase.
Free bus back to Montmin and this time I gave in to the Haaikie’s request and stopped for ice-cream.  He has been begging the whole trip in France to stop for ice cream, and since this is my second to last day, I caved in.  The wind was too strong to launch for my liking in anyway, LOL.  Launched after 6pm again when the wind started to calm down for my last and final flight to Doussard.  I wanted to fly a little longer, but I was tired from all the up and down during the day and landed shortly after sunset.  Treated myself to some chippies and a coke before packing up and strolling home.  My fridge at home is empty, so chippies at landing was necessary to keep the Haaikie in check.  I had lots of emotions while packing up and walking home, time goes by so quickly and we take for granted the little time we have here on earth.  I had an awesome time here and would have liked to stay a little longer, but afraid I might never leave… and run out of money.  Ugh, I hate goodbye’s and will certainly miss this place.  Thanks to R&F, Annecy and France for an amazing trip.
43.5323 – 172.5567
12 August 2024

2 responses to “Probably my final day of flying in France.”

  1. “the little time we have here on earth” is never something I take for granted. Maybe because I’ve been given a glimpse of the other side too many times. Or because I’m a sexagenarian🙂