Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Section 4 – Belgium.

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Another gypsy day, and the start of my final stint in Europe, 
A little sad, saying goodbye to Switzerland after my meditation on the balcony this morning.  It is strange how some things suddenly “touch you”, unexpectedly.  I am confident another contributing factor was the fact that I had an interesting text conversation last night with a friend as well and didn’t like how things ended.  So, after a somewhat “funky” night, filled with dreams about me falling through space, I took time to collect and consolidate my thoughts this morning.  It looked like a grey day ahead, and the cool breeze was a welcoming change away from the last couple of hot days.

I had a lovely stay here with my hosts and cannot express my gratitude enough.  They assisted me to understand some of the things happening here in Switzerland and showed me the ropes on the public transport system.  They even helped me carry my bags to the local tram station this morning to start my journey to Geel in Belgium.  The world is filled with such kind people, and I am privileged to be friends with so many of them.  
Originally, back in February or March, when I booked these travel arrangements I thought about taking the train all the way to Belgium from Switzerland, but the connections were many, often and it seemed like it was going to take the whole day… so I opted to fly between Zürich and Brussels.  My trek today started with a tram and train trip to Zürich airport.  After an interesting journey booking in my oversize luggage, the aircraft was delayed leaving Zürich and landing in Brussels, 55min later, was a bit of a mess too.  In the end we waited longer for our luggage than the flight time from Zürich.  Ugh… should have taken the train.  (Note to self for next time: Take the train, you love it.)

All in all, I made it to my hosts just after 6pm, so it did in fact take the whole day in any case.  Tired and exhausted from waiting for connections, I sat down with my hosts outside on their balcony, met the fur babies and they made so much effort, cooking dinner.  I know I was a little anxious about the meeting with my hosts here in Belgium, but I should have trusted the universe.  We instantly connected, catching up on 25-years of life over dinner and a drink or two… or three.  A great way to put a good spin on an otherwise long and tiring day.
I cannot comment too much about Belgium, I only saw glimpses out the airplane or train window, but I do get a sense I am no longer in Switzerland. Missing the mountains and the lakes and a little bit my home in Christchurch.  
43.5323 – 172.5567
18 August 2024

2 responses to “Section 4 – Belgium.”

  1. You are currently busy on a Journey – no matter where you are – there will most probably be something that “touches you”
    Remember to just inhale / exhale and breathe then .. “-)

    Urgh – Ouch for the not so good trip …