Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Sunday, a day of reflection.

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How come the universe sometimes seems so cruel at times?  Forgive me but this might turn into a rant, 
Make no mistake, I had an incredible year so far and I know I have the universe to thank for it.  What can I say… every bit or “stint” of my trip turned out better than I ever could have ever imagined.  Denver meditation week blew my mind, made me realise that forgiveness was key and that there is a soulmate for me out there in the world.  France was awesome, surrounded by very special people and fun flying in the sun, living in the present moment, flying in the mountains and being close to French bakeries while on my post meditation retreat “high”.  Switzerland was a change in pace, being close to a family I didn’t realise that I had and Belgium taught me that some friends will forever remain friends, even if continents, oceans and time zones keep us apart for almost 25 years.  The stint in South Africa was always set out to be (mostly) work but I had an incredible time with my parents, especially my dad and it showed me how much I have changed as a person, mostly for the better, inside my heart.  
I have this feeling that the universe was, and still is for the most part, on my side and I am grateful for the way things are playing out.  BUT, then suddenly, plans I made… gets a strike through by the universe.  Travelling down a proverbial road and suddenly hitting a dead end, “not today my friend”, “not ever” the universe suddenly says.  There will always be this internal struggle between the hamster vs living in the present moment.  I wish I could really just through it all up in the air… point an indecent sign at the universe and say “suck it”.  Pack my things and hit the road to go have a look and experience my life, but I have commitments and respect to other things and people in my life as well.  Do we all have what feels like a soulmate?  Have you met yours?  Have I met mine?  Did I miss the boat and screwed this up, or do I throw everything at it one more time?  I guess time will tell (w.r.t. what I do) and what the universe has in store for me.  I am not going to “white knuckle” something that is not meant to be, but I sure wish it was meant to be.
BBQ’ed with mom and dad in the lazy late afternoon, sitting in the sun outside.  I poured a vodka for me, just to celebrate owning the car and more importantly, owning my dad’s car.  Things are ticking along nicely and at a good cadence with the paperwork and if (the universe is agreeing) we should have everything together by the end of this coming week, ready for the export.  Afterwards, dad cleaned some more spare parts for me to take with and I wrapped a couple of other items and things, completing the inventory to send to the shipping company.  I still have to sort out some personal effects that I would like to take with, sending one or two extra things a long in the container from here.  
43.5323 – 172.5567
22 September 2024

One response to “Sunday, a day of reflection.”

  1. I also ask how the Universe can be so cruel sometimes..
    Why why and more why’s?!
    I guess that one we will never be able to comprehend that side “-( . ..

    As for the good side of the Universe..
    Things most definitely ticking along nicely..

    Ps.. My mouth is watering for a good Braai aka BBQ” – (

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