Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Another chapter of my trip is starting.

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And this means that a current stint is ending, one I particularly enjoyed, so much more than expected, 
This morning I drove my car (<- Still a little surreal to say this) with dad in the passenger seat.  We took the car to the Police/Traffic Testing Station in Paarl for the final papers from the Police to say that I am not a crook and the car is not stolen.  “My car”… with the emphasis on MY.  Back in Ceres I submitted the documents from the Police clearance this morning and received the export approval from the traffic department.  The car is now officially unlicensed and exported (on paper) according to the traffic department.  Everything is going well, but where the universe gives… it also takes.  
I have been feeling sad a lot this past week, but more so recently and particularly today.  It feels like the end of an era, the end of my time with dad.  I enjoyed fixing the car with dad, and being around him so much more than expected over the last 4-5 weeks.  I know I am trying not to curse this year, because I have nothing to be angry or anxious about, but F_ck… life is sort and time flies when you are having fun.  It suddenly feels like the end is so near… and so many different ends.  The end of my stint with dad, the end of the repairs to the car, the end to my South Africa trip, the end of my sabbatical year.  Just end, end, end.
The car is back under the covers tonight after I removed the RPM meter to see if dad and I can fix it.  We all cleaned up a little in and around the house in preparation for the arrival of Clint and I moved out of “my” room into my old original room to make room for when he arrives on Wednesday morning.  Looking forward to our time together, the next stint of my trip… flying with Clint over the next two and a bit weeks in South Africa.  
43.5323 – 172.5567
23 September 2024

2 responses to “Another chapter of my trip is starting.”

  1. F_ck… life is short indeed!

    A lot of ends – but also some new beginnings ‘-)

    Busy busy week
    Enjoy your special time with Clint “-)

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