Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

I guess it is back to Hermanus then?

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Almost like she is becoming old faithful, 
After the Cape Town, weekday traffic had settled, Clint and I hit the N2 highway, back to Sir Lowry’s Pass and then onto Hermanus for the last time probably during our 2024 trip in South Africa.  (<-See, I am leaving the door open for another one)  It feels a little surreal, just like it did 2 weeks ago, when I collected him at Cape Town international airport, our time together in RSA almost over.  We watched the final episode of Grand Tour tonight and Jeremy Clarkson said something special that we sometimes forget… We normally never know or realise when it is the last time that we are doing something.  Only afterwards, looking back, we realise that that was indeed the last time… and then struggle to remember it, because we did not pay attention, because we did not know.  Clint noticed the change in my demeanor in the last couple of evenings because, in my head, I am already moving on, thinking about the next part of my trip… and how close I am to ending this international stint and returning back to Christchurch.  Time together, especially with great friends are so valuable, and goes by so fast.  Time to pay attention and remember, so I guess this blog will help.  
With a quick stop at the Sir Lowry’s Pass launch, we admired how the wind was playing with the top wisps of fog, constantly bending and shaping it as it tries to sneak over the top of the mountain.  “Not today” is what the wind was saying to the fog… and to us regarding flying.  Beautiful to witness the often invisible movement of air we are flying in.  The wind talker in Hermanus was looking promising, so we pushed on and when we got toe Hermanus, it looked like it was going to work.
I got my glider out (since I was told I am on “rotation”) and after taking off, I thought it was over and going to bottom landing, when I pulled out an epic save.  I was so impressed and “banked” the height I had, while I had it and top landed to give Clint a chance to fly… (on rotation).  I recorded and posted a video of my epic save on YouTube here: Paragliding – Hermanus – 8 October 2024.  Some other local pilots joined us as well, but the rest of the day was more challenging and we all ended up at the bottom by the end of the day.  Thanks for others arranging the lift up.  We decided to call it a day with regards to flying flying, and made a stop or two in Hermanus town, picking up a gift to take back to NZ and other snacks and drinks for the road home.  
43.5323 – 172.5567
8 October 2024

2 responses to “I guess it is back to Hermanus then?”

  1. YouTube here: Paragliding – Hermanus – 8 October 2024 – EPIC! ‘-)

    The two weeks with Clint just flew by at high speed!
    Also looking forward to another visit to SA

    Time together, especially with great friends are so valuable, and goes by so fast. –
    We can but only treasure the moments in time spent together with Friends ‘-)

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