It feels like I might have said it before, but honestly,
It does not feel like the forest anymore, but more like the jungle. In my mind, forests are predominantly trees but here there are plants, ferns, vines, climbers and trees everywhere I look. Every perceivable spot has something growing in or out of it. That song from Guns ‘n Roses came to mind… “Welcome to the Jungle” but I am afraid they might be singing about sex and drugs, rather than plants. LOL.
It was a very busy night last night in the hut. Kids were busy and naughty as well as people coming and going… it felt a bit like a train station at one point in all seriousness. Ellen was staying here too for the night when her partner and two boys surprised her, arriving at the hut after 10pm. They walked in from a “local” shorter trailhead close by. Anyway… moving on… I left early this morning, in beautiful weather on the way to Waitewaewae Hut. (You pronounce it YTYY for those not in the know… like me). Today’s trail did not look like particularly hard elevation, but the trail was tough to a degree. It was very overgrown, washed out in places and took forever to get to the next kilometre it seems. BUT, it was a beautiful day, awesome views along the way, and the right thing to do would be to move on to the next hut, Nichols Hut, but that is another 10km away and 1000 meters up in elevation. So I made the decision to stay here at YTYY. Washing all my walking clothes, making sure everything should be dry tomorrow and washing myself as well… using a bucket..
There are no sandflies here??? Yes, such places exist next to a river in NZ. Really unexpected, so I got to sit outside for most the remainder of the day. I could almost not believe it. Ellen, her partner and boys arrived here at YTYY and will be staying in the hut tonight as well. She has a really complicated “relationship status” and my hamster has a million questions, but I jammed a stick in his wheel to stop him from asking and being rude. It is great that her partner and boys came to join her on the trail for the weekend. “Good on them”. Back to me, I hope the weather holds until tomorrow. It would be nice to see some nice views from the big mountain peaks although I am not looking forward to the climb to be honest.
I had a vision today, filled with powerful emotions and feelings. I was thinking about finishing the whole TA, arriving at the top of the north island, walking off the beach and there at the sign was Clint waiting with a six pack of ice cold coke. Wow, still feeling it while typing it right here.
Still not sure it is going to happen… it was just a thought, a vision, and just because I had it, doesn’t mean that it is, or will become true. Time will tell I guess… I am still not sure what to make of this section of the TA. My head is still all over the place. Thinking mostly about money, new job, the (Ford) car, my future… FFS, I should just jam a stick in that too.
40.8309 – 175.3061
30 November 2024
2 responses to “Welcome to the jungle – Day 57.”
Oh deary me..
Busy and naughty kids…
Not sure how I would have handled that one..
Welcome to the Jungle indeed.. LOL
Hope you managed some sleeping time..
You had quite a busy morning.. bucket and all. Sjoe..
Good that you managed to take a bit of a rest..
The YTYY Hut can surely not be missed with its bright green!
I’m sure tomorrow you will feel better about the 10km-1000 meter climb “-)
Easy with the Hamster..
Keep that vision” -)
Kids will always be naughty and pushing the envelope to test the edge. I am glad parents provide them with the opportunity… even though my Hamster would have appreciated the sleep more.
YTYY was an unexpectedly nice hut, and I had a great time there, in awesome weather.