Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Greenstone Hut – Day 16

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Bee-a-you-tea-full-day this morning, 

Leaving Taipo Hut this morning. The wind died down, clouds dissappeared overnight and the blue sky is out this morning. 
It is only a short 10km “hop” to Greenstone Hut today, which almost seems a little whimsical, but it is 24km to the car park and that seems too far, especially since I need to hitch hike to the nearest town too.
I captured a perfect example of the TA track… the picture can only be followed by a question, where?
Having said this, it was an easy-ish walk, maybe a small bump here and there, but overall downhill about 200m in elevation.
Once entering the nature reserve again, the track gets better and the bird life increase dramatically. You can clearly see the traps and poison does help the bird life recover.
Sitting here on the steps of Greenstone Hut, the bird song from the opposite hill is amazing. If it wasn’t for the sandflies, I could sit here forever.
44.9792 – 168.2624
25 February 2024