Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Back to Christchurch for a break.

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I can say it… “Home”, 

Woke up early this morning, broke up camp and headed to the airport with the bus. Strange feeling stepping completely back into the hustle and bustle of things, almost like I am an outsider from another world. Seems everyone is on a mission to do the next thing, or get to the next place and time is of the essence. 
Kids on the bus too school.  Traffic everywhere, cars filled with people off to work after dropping of the kids. Airport full of “important” people, each on their own little treadmill, thinking they are the most important person In the world. It was surreal looking at and experiencing all of this like I was almost a 3rd person, watching it on TV.

Anyhow, made it home (thanks for lift home my friend), and the place held up surprisingly well if I might add. Unpacked my backpack, clean most of it (including me) and did the laundry. O how I take the little things for granted, like putting on fresh clothes while hopping out of a long steamy shower, eating home-made macaroni pie almost straight out of the oven and listening to music in the lounge while laying on clean carpet, being warm and dry. Also managed to caught up with the neighbour and some family of hers at “gin-o-clock-ish”. But the thing I missed most… my bed with its fresh new linen and a pillow.
Welcome home Phil.
43.5323 – 172.5567
28 February 2024

8 responses to “Back to Christchurch for a break.”

  1. It’s so true. It’s the little things …that are the big things…that truly matter. I’m so glad you are home safe in your space. I hope it feels peaceful and you can breathe a sigh…home …home at last 🙂

  2. Dankie dat jy dit alles gedeel het. Wonderlik om ‘n klein blik op al die mooi plekke te kon sien. Dit is jammer dat ‘n mens tot byna die uithoeke van die aarde moet gaan om nog ongeskonde natuur te ervaar.

    • Dankie Johan. Ek sal nie sê dit is 100% ongeskonde nie, maar dit is pretty close. Die mense is few and far apart, en baie van dit kan jy net sien deur te loop.