Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

A little walkabout in Whanganui.

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Exploring the town and getting a feel for this place, 
I had an easy and a late start to the day today. Not planning on doing much, but walked the 7km into town after having a miscommunication with the bus driver. Probably not all bad, and the universe’s way of telling me to take a hike. LOL. First thing on the mission list was scrambled eggs on toast, and after accomplishing that, I walked the street looking for a potential keepsake to remember Whanganui by. It is unfortunately all very touristy and Christmasy at the moment, so I don’t think I am going to get the full on Whanganui vibe. (Or a keepsake for that matter).  
I spent some time next to the river, before crossing it to climb the tower on the hill for some better views. The weather was still on the funky side, with thunderstorms and patches of rain coming through at times mixed in with wind.
I have completed about 505km on the Te Araroa Trail in this stint of mine and feel pretty good with my achievement. I am still struggling with the questions from yesterday’s post, but perhaps going home and thinking about them in a familiar environment is a good idea. I also found a position being advertised that caught my eye and that I will have to apply for when back in Christchurch. Trying not to get my Hamster on a roll in the cage regarding it (just yet).
39.8946 – 175.0887 
23 December 2024

2 responses to “A little walkabout in Whanganui.”

  1. Oh deary me..
    Miscommunication with the bus driver.. Oopsie Daisie!

    Hope you managed to get a little keepsake from Whanganui and not just scrambled eggs on toast for Haaikie “-)

    Struggling with your thoughts, etc.. you will.. at this time..
    Mmm.. Interesting about the Job thingy..
    Try and keep things calm and collective with the Hamster..
    Focus on Me Vintage arriving for now” -)

    • Yes, we shall call it a miscommunication… anyway, it is over, done, and done with Whanganui.
      About a keepsake from Whanganui, unfortunately not. I couldn’t find something that really caught my eye. Everything was too hyped up for Christmas I think.