Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

ANZAC Day – 2024.

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I joined the dawn service this morning, 
I simply had no excuse not to join in, since I am not on the trail, have all the time in the world, and it is even a public holiday.  For those of you not living in New Zealand or Australia… ANZAC day is (according to Wikipedia) “a national day of remembrance in Australia and NZ that broadly commemorates all Australians and New Zealanders “who served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations” and “the contribution and suffering of all those who have served”.  Observed on 25 April each year, Anzac Day was originally devised to honour the members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who served in the Gallipoli campaign, their first engagement in the First World War (1914–1918).”.  I got up before the break of dawn, heading into the city to find lots of people gathering, all to commemorate ANZAC day.  Starting at the bridge of remembrance, where a gathering of armed forces, police, the army band and others lined up to march to cathedral square for the service. 
I always think I have a lot to say about war, but then remembers to keep my mouth shut, because I was lucky enough never to be involved, first hand, in any of them.  How privileged am I?  And I guess this is the reason why I am here.  I will say this, at times it seems so senseless, seeing mostly innocent people die because of the “ideals” of a few.  The last time I was at a dawn service was in 2011 in Papua New Guinea, and standing in that cemetery it really hits you hard.  Seeing the amount, and the average age of the people that perished… 
Coming back to today, it was good to pay tribute to people I don’t know and say thank you to them for the life I have today.  It was also nice to see the sunrise, it always brings a feeling of hope for a proverbial “new day”.  After the service I met up with a some Afrikaans speaking friends for what started out as “getting a coffee”.  It turned into an impromptu breakfast, walk around the city and the botanical gardens, more coffee, back through the city and the Art Center, pub lunch and ice cream.  Such a great day and such fine weather.  Thank you C&C.
43.5323 – 172.5567
25 April 2024

2 responses to “ANZAC Day – 2024.”

  1. I could write so much about armed conflict but I won’t, only to say that after 14 years with the British Army I realised how utterly senseless warfare in all its guieses is. Most days of my life I ‘Remember Them’ – the fallen brothers and sisters I knew and left behind in places like Norther Ireland, and many more that I didn’t know. It’s a very special family that I was proud to be part of, but actually so sad to leave behind. Imagine a world without wars, but sadly something I (or you the reader) will not experience in our lifetimes. This is already more than I meant to say. Thanks for reading and thankyou Philip for taking the time to remember them.