Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Back to Hermanus (with some old friends).

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There were a couple of options today, but Clint and I opted for the one we were most familiar with, 
This morning we were uhm-ing and ah-ing where to go.  Du Toits Kloof vs perhaps Hermanus.  We finally made the call and chose the one we figured would be more reliable and fun and the one we knew from previous flights… (and perhaps we were lazy too, not wanting to walk up a hill)  Just before we left town this morning, we stopped at another house and collected Urvi as well.  She requested earlier in the week if she could travel with us on the weekend, and Hermanus seemed like a perfect opportunity.  I gave her a little short notice, but she managed to be ready (just) in time…
We stopped for take away coffee along the way but made it to Hermanus launch site just in time.  I got my things ready and soon both Clint and I were in the air.  There were some other old-timer pilots and friends their too and it felt like the “good old days”, flying with people I know.  Urvi got to see what we were doing as well and Rudy, one of the local tandem pilots, offered to take her for a flight if conditions got better.  (Thanks Rudy).  Urvi also took some pictures and short videos of all of us… and caught this “special” one of me, pointing at something BIG, like the weather man on tv.  Heaven only knows what is was.  Maybe I was trying to catch a baby?  Ugh…
A short video of a piece of my flight is uploaded here: Paragliding – Hermanus – 6 October 2024.  Conditions deteriorated after our first flights, Clint landing at the top and I went down to the bottom.  Clint did another foefie (<-see the explanation of this term in one of my previous blogs) but when I took my wing out… everything went quiet and switched direction to over the back.  We left launch in search of some lunch (or cake for Clint) while watching some of the whales from up close in Hermanus town.  Great end to a great day.  Good to see some old friends at Hermanus and chat about the good old times.  I think Clint’s ears are still bleeding.?  One other thing, I received a “letter from Denver” tonight and I am honestly not sure what to do or how to respond.  So many ways to argue each side of the story… ugh, I really cannot focus on that right now, and I cannot really do anything different right now, and I think it will all end in the same way again, me being left rejected.  Let me think…
43.5323 – 172.5567
6 October 2024

6 responses to “Back to Hermanus (with some old friends).”

  1. Every day above ground delivers new experiences and how can that not happen in a country as fascinating as South
    Africa? Whether it’s on the ground, in air, or more importantly in the company of some of the great people I have met during my short visit, it has all been priceless.
    Urvi you are such a bundle of boundless energy and positivity, it has been a privilege to share some time while we were pursuing our passion of flying, or relaxing enjoying the fruits of the land and sea at the beach.
    I can’t wait to hear about your first flight, and only wish we could be with you to see your eyes light up.

    • Aaarg thanks for your special words Cliff “-)

      It was an absolute privilege for me too to have shared this day with you guys and to have met you as a person – a whole new world opened up and I learnt so much from you on this day!

      I would also wish for you guys to be here to see my first flight as I would really love to share that moment in time with you guys – I will be sure to ensure that there is some kind of footage “-)

  2. Yes – Urvi made it “just” in time – hehe

    As I mentioned it was one of the best days of my life to date – a whole new next level experience which I will never forget!

    So close to Tandem with Rudy for me – unfortunately the weather conditions did not improve – but hopefully sooner than later it will happen for me “-) – thanks to Rudy for inviting me back ..

    Most definitely a Great Day ‘-)

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