It looked like a great day to go skiing and it turned out to be true,
I was up before dawn this morning, leaving the house for Mt Hutt just after 6am. It looked like it was going to be a great day and I was going to make the most of it while the schools were still on. Arrived at the top carpark just as the sun was breaking over the horizon and I took a minute to take in the scenery and the experience, where I am actually standing. “Gratitude” was the feeling that came to mind.

Soon I was on the 6-chair, going all the way to the top, such a nice day it turned out to be, and not too busy at all. Beautiful views and great skiing. I only had one tumble, which is not too bad for my second day. The body and legs were really taking strain towards the end of the day, but I stayed and skied until 4pm when the lifts closed. Wow, talk about “pap tyres”.
43.5323 – 172.5567
4 July 2024