Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Back to Whanganui, on the river – Day 76.

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The weather is extremely funky, but I am continuing while it is good here, 
Wow, what a terrible last night in Downes Hut. I don’t know if the universe was punishing me or something, but I seriously think I need to start avoiding huts all together. (Warning, a bit of a moan to follow) Reason 1, people, arriving very late, and everything gets more difficult, louder and slower in the dark… plus the younger generation does not understand the concept of closing a door, at all. Secondly, just after falling asleep, being woken up by a light “bump” (earthquake). The real bad thing was the aftershocks from another one not too far away either, while being awake...  
Anyway, with that out of the way there was just a possum fight or two or three on the front steps to get over with and then the final cherry on my bad night… mice inside. And again the younger generation leaving food out on the table to encourage them. Ugh… Well… The “younger generation” set alarms and got up at 4am this morning to start rowing in the dark, so while sleep was evading me, I made breakfast and got ready too.
I waited for the sunrine, but soon after I was off, aiming to do 44km, all the way to Whanganui if the weather and tide permits. I have three things to balance today, Thunderstorms(Rain), Wind and Current(coupled to the tide). I decided while conditions were okay where I am, that I will push on.
Again the day surprised me a little with very beautiful sections on the river… some without a breath of wind.  I made good progress while the river was flowing, but still had to keep paddling.
Before I knew it, I was over the halfway mark for today and suddenly (without realising it) through my last rapid on the Whanganui river. The last 20km is pretty tidal and I could see and feel how everything came to a standstill.
The day got real tough, but I just kept going, making slower and slower progress, but kept going and was grateful to make it to Whanganui shortly after 4pm. I cleared my canoe out, pitched my tent and crashed while chatting to a friend around 7pm. I was exhausted and slept for the night.
39.8946 – 175.0887 
21 December 2024

4 responses to “Back to Whanganui, on the river – Day 76.”

  1. The videos make it all so idyllic and give no idea of the effort expended to get to that point and eventually your destination.
    Shame you had to deal with inconsiderate people and possums, but both can be pests and maybe deserve ‘terminating’.

  2. Oh my Golly..
    Weather, Hut situation, younger generation.. Quake – all together.. Fk “-) (
    Ps there was a bit of a quake situation here too..
    From Century City to Sea Point.. Wonder if it all somehow relates..

    Seems like it all ended well..
    Some breathtaking pics 💜

    • It all works out, eventually, even if not as you planned it. The day worked out okay, but it was lots of work. I was exhausted to be honest.