Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Better weather and Bluff – Day 1.5

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Waking up in Bluff, 

After raining for what feels like the whole night, I woke up to a different Bluff this morning. At first it feels like a one horse, working, harbour town, but pause a little and take a closer look.  There is some great maritime history here and you get a sense of heritage when you wander the streets.

I took it easy today, taking a stroll down to Sterling point, the actual starting point of the Te Araroa.  It still feels a little unreal.

Then up the hill to the lookout and around the coastal track. Such beautiful scenery and there is just something about the ocean and the waves that sets your spirit free. In the distance you can see Stewart Island and it is actually far bigger than what I expected.
Mentally I still have all four season’s everyday. There are times of joy and happiness followed by “what the hell?” moments. Still need to pinch myself to check that what I am doing is real. At least the hamster has calmed down, and I believe he is starting to look at the pile of filing in the corner. The Haaikie on the otherhand is not approving the lack of vitamin C’s… I can actually hear him right now kicking up a fuss down there.
46.4044 – 168.3489
7 February 2024

4 responses to “Better weather and Bluff – Day 1.5”

  1. Great to hear about the Hamster. I am sure he is not gonna be putting a fight for a while. Make the most out of it!
    Great photos!!!

  2. Good on you Philip,
    Be brave and calm and most of all, I hope you find some joy in each day. It’s a pleasure to be able to share a little of your journey as it unfolds.

    Cheers Robyn