My daily blog.
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This is MY story remember…
DIY – Painting my fence at home (Part 2 of many)
My stars aligned, Woke up this morning expecting the NW-er wind to howl but no, it was dead calm. I rush out of bed to make use of the opportunity to spray and finish the section of fence I am working on, DONE. The second coat of paint really…
Resigned officially from the Leopard
The plan is coming together, After a little back and forth I finally handed in my official resignation today. What a rollercoaster ride of emotions and feelings all leading up to this point: yes, no, yes, maybe… but yes in the end. I am thankful to have worked at…
A new (man)bag
Background, In 2011, I had the (shall I call it privilege?) to spend a couple of months in, mostly Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. One thing I quickly learned was that every single person, man, woman or child had a “bilum” or a string bag, which is what it is…
Packing or Panicking
Packing, Continue to figure out what to pack and what stays behind. I have been on many overnight and multi day walks, but nothing like the scale of the Te Araroa trail. Medical kit, emergency and survival gear, electronics, hygiene items and the most difficult… food and clothing. So so…
Just another Tuesday-ish
The job, It was an unexpectedly tough day at “the Leopard” today. Partly my fault, because I lost track of something and it snuck up on us for testing. We managed to sort it out in the end, with help from the team. The home, Spent a little time…
Te Araroa Trail – The start of one of my adventures
A one-way flight: Booked, I confirmed my flight booking today and I must admit, there is something weird about booking a one-way flight. Going somewhere and not planning on how you will get home, or where home might turn out to be. If “the Leopard” (<-this is what I call…
Life is too short… make things happen
January 14, Such an emotional day, not just for me, but probably for most of the visitors here. A couple of years ago, we all lost a very special person on this. An amazing, kind hearted and loving young woman that will forever live in us. None of us…
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