Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Camp Stream Hut – Day 36.

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Feels like I am back on the Te Araroa, 
I have camped in Tekapo before, and know this place can get cold when it wants to, but last night was really chilly. My fly sheet was not frozen like when I tented next to the Arrow river, but I had my jacket on inside my sleeping bag to stay nice and warm.
Woke up before dawn and just about got going when the sun striked the peaks of the opposite mountains. Today it feels like I am back on the trail with no planned road walking it starting with a gentle 6km climb. I had to get my hiking poles out of my backpack for the first time in a while and got going.
There are some weather incoming and I would like to make it to the hut before the rain. Hopefully the rain will pass overnight so that I can continue in the morning, otherwise I might have to stay here a day.
Saying goodbye to the lake, and actually all the lakes for a while with the Canterbury rivers coming up in the next section. Such large forces over very long time frames needed to carve the landscape makes you feel small and your life fragile and insignificant.
I made it to Camp Stream Hut with time to spare before the weather. This is a private Hut, maintained by a trust and some real dedicated people. It is not flashy by any means, but good stop for the night. Built in 1898, I wish I could hear the walls share some of its stories.
43.7938 – 170.6491
3 April 2024

6 responses to “Camp Stream Hut – Day 36.”

    • Intriguing is probably the correct word. There is lots of old stuff inside that will probably never get used again, but it does add a little character. I wish it was a little more rodent proof and the pile of wood was stacked further away from the hut as well.

  1. Ek deel jou sentiment oor hierdie hut by Camp Stream. Dit is nou ‘n plek met karakter. ‘n Regte buitepos. Net jammer van die moderne paal, regs voor die hut. Gehoop daar sou so ‘n lui rokie uit die skoorsteen trek.

    • Haha, jy die paal is actually ‘n kluis waar jy jou kontant kan in gooi. Omdat dit nie ‘n DOC (Department of Conservation) hut is nie, vra hulle vir ‘n 10 dollar donasie. Ek het die foto geneem toe ek daar aan gekom het, nog nie vuur gemaak nie.

  2. It’s the ‘drama’ of the back-country that attracts so many people from overseas. Unspoilt with such majesty and beauty, you’re a lucky person to be able to experience it.