Category: Adventure
Some other adventure I would like to share.
Back to Mt Hutt for more Skiing.
It looked like a great day to go skiing and it turned out to be true, I was up before dawn this morning, leaving the house for Mt Hutt just after 6am. It looked like it was going to be a great day and I was going to make…
Mt Hutt Baby.
Bad weather for flying, so I am going skiing, All throughout yesterday I was stalking the weather apps and thinking that the weather looks really terrible for flying this week, so should I go skiing? Well I was up early this morning, checked the forecast and put money on…
Winter is setting in, but the snow has not yet (fully) arrived.
Skiing season at Mt Hutt opened this weekend, BUT, yes a very big but, the weather has not played its part during the last two weeks. Mt Hutt was set to open last Friday, but remained closed to open yesterday, but only the lower part of the mountain. Today…
Flying at Taylor’s Mistake and the Sunday “blues”.
The weather forecast was hopeful for an awesome day on the hill, Time to get up early and be ready, waiting on the hill in case it gets strong early on in the day. Clint and I managed to sneak in a couple of flights before the wind picked…