Category: Life in General
Day-to-day life, nothing important or connected to something or somewhere specific.
Braai with some friends.
Very good friends I might add, I am hosting a BBQ today from some friends before I leave on my trip and before the “summer” is almost over. Time seems to go by so fast and we haven’t had a good catchup this year yet… all of us together. …
An awesome day at Taylor’s Mistake.
Paragliding in almost perfect conditions, After my early morning meditation (<-Getting back to meditating everyday again) I “fiddled” a little bit with the car. Disconnecting the battery and putting it on charge as well as covering her up properly. Making sure she is tucked in nicely for the time that…
(Still) Post Processing…
I am still on a “high” from yesterday, First thing I checked this morning after waking up was the garage door to see if there was actually a car in there. Making sure I was not dreaming. Wow, still living in the whirlpool of emotions from yesterday and with…
Getting ready and ticking things off the list.
More tick, tick, tick, I assembled the bench today and feel so proud. It is looking great and should be good for a long while again. It now fits better with my home and at the back door so that I can have breakfast there in the shade during…