Category: Life in General
Day-to-day life, nothing important or connected to something or somewhere specific.
Helping out with a little project.
And NO, not one of mine, not another pump LOL, I got up this morning and dad and I decided (or at least I managed to convince dad) to help him do some actual work today. We looked around yesterday and one of his solar inverter projects needed a…
Settling in and catching up.
I am taking it fairly easy here, taking a breather away from my own “projects”, I just took it easy today, waking up late and joining breakfast for a chat. Spent a little time with both mom and dad individually in conversations and scheming around the house. Dad has…
Moving to Melkboom / Klawer.
I (little) gypsy day of sorts, I left home early this morning, driving north-ish to visit my parents in law-ish. LOL. I still call them “mom” and “dad”, even after the accident, because they will always remain another set of parents I had the privilege of having. (<- not…
Returning to my suspicious project.
Because I have a little spare time away from the car, Dad and I cracked on today with my other “suspicious” project that the Hamster brought to light in recent months. Yes, I mentioned something briefly about it back on 21 September 2024 when I wrote Not just the…