Category: Life in General
Day-to-day life, nothing important or connected to something or somewhere specific.
More progress on the car.
Getting things crossed off the list, After preparing everything behind the dashboard, I fitted the heater box in place today. Dad fitted the last of the cooling pipes and we connected the heater box to the engine cooling system. It looks really good and it feels like things are…
A new week with the car.
Continued on the heater box and then the “electrics”, I spent most of my day working on getting the heater box together, closed and sealed. Dad serviced the heater fan motor on Friday last week, so it was ready to go in with the radiator that I cleaned. I…
Bazaar, Hermanus (Sandbaai), and a little different work.
It is the weekend and time for a little “exhale”, It was a bit of a “festive” start this morning, joining mom to go to the bazaar that the one of the local retirement homes in Ceres arranged in an attempt to raise some money. We delivered some “melkterte”…
Last day of the week, time to make it count.
Today was earmarked to work on the cooling, ventilation and interior heater system of the car, Dad started by draining the water/coolant before looking at the condition of the water hoses and getting to the thermostat. There were obviously some spots of rust here and there with the thermostat…