Category: Life in General
Day-to-day life, nothing important or connected to something or somewhere specific.
Waiting for the universe to do its “thing”.
Yep, boring story to follow (Caution advised), Secretly (<-or maybe not so secretly if I write about it here) I have been putting off the preparations and oiling of the wood for grandma’s porch bench a little because I was not looking forwards to working on the floor. I…
Visiting a friend I have not seen in a while.
It is interesting what friends we make in life and circumstances around starting the friendship, About a week ago I received a message about cancellations and openings at my regular sports massage therapist so I made a booking. I have this “thing” in my elbow from the Whanganui days…
Idle Tuesday.
Just making sure things tick over, I have applied for a new job opportunity today, not completely in my “wheelhouse” but I made a real effort to explain myself and why I am excited about the role. It almost took the whole day… and I do not like taking…
Continuing the job search.
Not “F”-un, Back in full swing, searching for a new job opportunity is priority number one. It is not fun but it has to be done. Looking. looking, looking… I also made an appointment at a new barber. I really like the barber I had, but she is…