Category: Life in General
Day-to-day life, nothing important or connected to something or somewhere specific.
Please don’t hold your breath.
I bought an instrument (yeah!), After a late lunch with a dear friend of mine, I stopped by at a music shop today and purchased a musical instrument. It was always a dream of mine to be able to play the double bass before I turned 40. So in…
“Advice, like youth, probably just wasted on the young”.
Going back to 1997, the Chicago Tribune published a hypothetical graduation speech written by Mary Schmich, The original article is [here] if you would like to have a read for yourself but I heard it for the first time as a song by Baz Luhrmann – Everybody’s Free (to…
Rakaia River to Arthur’s Pass – Day 44/47.
While the bad weather continues, So continuing on from yesterday’s post, it does seem like I am running a little “late” on the trail and winter might be arriving earlier than I had hoped. I decided NOT to redo the following section of the TA as well, since I…
R&R – Rest and Recuperation.
I still like coming home, And more importantly, it still feels like MY home, even if it is a little musty and dusty, it is my place of “safety”… where I can do- and be- and eat- whatever I like without judgement. I have been looking forward to…