Category: Life in General
Day-to-day life, nothing important or connected to something or somewhere specific.
DIY – Painting my fence at home (Part 2 of many)
My stars aligned, Woke up this morning expecting the NW-er wind to howl but no, it was dead calm. I rush out of bed to make use of the opportunity to spray and finish the section of fence I am working on, DONE. The second coat of paint really…
Resigned officially from the Leopard
The plan is coming together, After a little back and forth I finally handed in my official resignation today. What a rollercoaster ride of emotions and feelings all leading up to this point: yes, no, yes, maybe… but yes in the end. I am thankful to have worked at…
A new (man)bag
Background, In 2011, I had the (shall I call it privilege?) to spend a couple of months in, mostly Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. One thing I quickly learned was that every single person, man, woman or child had a “bilum” or a string bag, which is what it is…
Just another Tuesday-ish
The job, It was an unexpectedly tough day at “the Leopard” today. Partly my fault, because I lost track of something and it snuck up on us for testing. We managed to sort it out in the end, with help from the team. The home, Spent a little time…