Category: Life in General
Day-to-day life, nothing important or connected to something or somewhere specific.
Another immigration hurdle: cleared
Immigration is not easy, or cheap, or quick, I managed to take another step in my immigration journey to New Zealand today. Looking back, what a tough, turmoil and expensive time it was with so many steps and hurdles to clear. The uncertainty the pandemic brought also did not…
One week to go
At this time next week, I will be on my adventure! I can almost not believe it, so little time left, and it feels like there are still so much to do before my trip. The excitement sometimes switches to fear now… What have I done? How did…
Braai, (Barbecue) Friday
Nothing like a braai with friends, Thanks to some awesome friends, I was invited to a “braai” tonight. Turns out, it was arrange to be my farewell/good luck with my trip kind of braai. Cannot thank you guys(and girls) enough. Even though it was extremely windy and cold,…
My monthly plasma donation
NZ Blood, Today was a very unproductive day at the Leopard, reason being because I donated plasma this evening. It is important to stay hydrated, so sipping water all day leads to many trips to the bathroom unfortunately. (<-is this an overshare? too much info here?) To be honest, I am not…