Category: Location
Some other place I would like to share.
Welcome to Europe.
Landed in Germany, and the authorities decided that I am allowed to stay, Yes, after a couple of unexpected and strange questions at the border, I am in Frankfurt International Airport this morning, waiting for my connection flight to Geneva. I must admit, NOT feeling all that great with…
Goodbye to Colorado.
Moving on to leg number 2 of my journey, To borrow a term from my friend Emily, today (and tomorrow) is “Gypsy” day… travelling from Denver, Colorado, USA to ultimately Annecy, France via Frankfurt and Geneva. If I had to be honest, I am a little homesick at the…
Exploring more of Denver and surrounds.
One final day in the US before I fly out tomorrow, Trying to make the most of it, getting out to downtown early to meetup with a small tour group to go see some of the sights. First stop, Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre which is a little way…
Exploring the city of Denver.
I knew Denver was going to be big, but wow, This place is proper city, the kind of city I am not use to anymore. I mean Christchurch is called a city, but Denver has a larger population than the whole of New Zealand. I managed to get out…