Category: Location
Some other place I would like to share.
Wanaka to Albert Town – Day 25.
Where do you want to retire, If you are anything like me, you probably have not given the subject any real thought. Strangely, I have visited a couple of places in the past that suddenly bring the subject to light. The first time it happened, I was in Madang…
Beautiful Wanaka.
Couple of things on the to-do list, Top priority, sleep in… followed by trying not to walk too much. I had laundry to do, and food rations and snacks to count and prepare for the next couple of days. Then time to hit the streets of Wanaka and browse…
Staying at Roses Hut.
As predicted, the weather turned, This morning was bitterly cold, even inside the hut, and rain showers came in overnight. The wind was howling and it didn’t look pleasant outside. Snow was predicted down to 1600m, so if I were to cross the two 1250m saddles I have planned today,…
Auckland & P!nk.
The super city, of sails, I started off early this morning, keeping to the eastern suburbs of Auckland, taking the bus down to St Heliers Beach. Not sure I could have asked for a better day to be honest. Just walking through the small streets, absorbing the atmosphere and…