Category: Location
Some other place I would like to share.
Moving to Melkboom / Klawer.
I (little) gypsy day of sorts, I left home early this morning, driving north-ish to visit my parents in law-ish. LOL. I still call them “mom” and “dad”, even after the accident, because they will always remain another set of parents I had the privilege of having. (<- not…
My 25-year High School Reunion.
Without too much planning, I made an effort to attend my School Reunion this year, With a slow start and a cold shower today (because bits of Ceres was left without power since yesterday afternoon) I was up and ready to leave Ceres early, driving to Worcester to attend…
I guess it is back to Hermanus then?
Almost like she is becoming old faithful, After the Cape Town, weekday traffic had settled, Clint and I hit the N2 highway, back to Sir Lowry’s Pass and then onto Hermanus for the last time probably during our 2024 trip in South Africa. (<-See, I am leaving the door…
Heading north, Piketberg & Porterville.
It is not really flyable anywhere else in Cape Town, so we are going for a drive, Originally I thought that we will spend countless days in these parts of the Cape, ready to escape the howling southeaster winds, but it didn’t turn out to be. Today we are…