Category: Story
Something from the past, or something that happened to someone else.
A little “bit” of my grandparents.
Unpacking “that” box, you know the one, Well, I want to say “all of us”, but I am confident my friend Clint is not part of this group, so… Some of us will know about that box we have in the garage, the one [or more] that we have…
DIY Friday continues into Saturday.
Time for the top coat(s), Right, so it is back to completing the spray job today. Checked the flat black primer coat this morning and it really looks good and solid. After a little bit of preparation, I sprayed the next coat, checked things and then sprayed the final…
DIY Friday – The spray job.
There are still one or two (small) things about my home that I would like to change, In the lounge, above my gas fireplace and below the TV is a little, wood-finish floating shelf. It is kind of important for two reasons: One, it provides a heat barrier between…
Dino – My ute has a name (finally).
I know, I know, I owned it for almost 5 years, Someone said to me a loooong time ago that I have the ability to give any object a personality, and that normally included a good, well deserved, name. When it came to my ute however I just struggled. …