Category: Te Araroa
A day on the trail – More info
Keeping busy and doing updates.
And also taking a little (not so well deserved) rest, I continued the work in the garden this morning in between the wild weather we had today. Wind, crazy wind in between sunshine showers… really weird. It wasn’t nice to be out there, but every little bit helps. Looks…
Back to Whanganui, on the river – Day 76.
The weather is extremely funky, but I am continuing while it is good here, Wow, what a terrible last night in Downes Hut. I don’t know if the universe was punishing me or something, but I seriously think I need to start avoiding huts all together. (Warning, a bit…
Make it a “B” day to Downes Hut – Day 75.
An unexpectedly Beautiful, Brilliant, Breathtaking and Big day, Again, (<-or that is what it feels like) tenting while it was raining a lot last night, but I am clearly getting use to it, and/or maybe I was very tired. Bottom line was that it felt like I got a…
Tenting in Pipiriki – Day 74.
Day three on the river (followed by an unknown emotion I guess), And the first thing I checked this morning when I opened my eyes through the glass window in the door was the state of the wind. I didn’t like seeing the palms outside bending over in the wind,…