Category: Te Araroa
A day on the trail – More info
Over the hill to Roses Hut – Day 21.
A cold night, And a frosty start, and by that I mean a real frosty start. I remember waking up during the night and remembering that I couldn’t hear the dripping noise from the condensation from the inside of my tent. When I woke up this morning, I realised…
MaceTown – Day 20.
Back, in-between the mountains, Such a beautiful morning, and after a good night’s rest, and a coke from the local dairy yesterday, I was up out of bed and ready for the mountains. Give way traffic, I am on the Te Araroa… (it was funny seeing the small urban…
Queenstown to ArrowTown – Day 19.
Funny story, Got up this morning at 5am, last little things to do, shower, dishes, grab my backpack and off to the airport for my 7:35 flight to Queenstown. Got to the airport and one slight little problem… I cannot see my flight on the departure schedule board. This…
Battle stations!
No other way to describe it, Woke up this morning knowing that not everything will be done. “Focus on the big stuff and hope” will be the plan. Packed all my food, after a last minute shopping run and managed to pack my three resupply bags as well. …