Category: Te Araroa
A day on the trail – More info
GPS, Garmin, Satellite Tracking
Ugh, Sometimes it is just too hard, getting the route files, working it down into smaller sections, generating the correct extension, loading it into my Garmin InReach… just so hard. For safety reasons I use a Garmin InReach with satellite tracking. I also use it as a backup to not…
Packing or Panicking
Packing, Continue to figure out what to pack and what stays behind. I have been on many overnight and multi day walks, but nothing like the scale of the Te Araroa trail. Medical kit, emergency and survival gear, electronics, hygiene items and the most difficult… food and clothing. So so…
Te Araroa Trail – The start of one of my adventures
A one-way flight: Booked, I confirmed my flight booking today and I must admit, there is something weird about booking a one-way flight. Going somewhere and not planning on how you will get home, or where home might turn out to be. If “the Leopard” (<-this is what I call…