Category: Te Araroa
A day on the trail – More info
Tieke Kainga Hut – Day 73.
Day two on the river, started early and alone, I started the day alone, travelling solo. The wind was set to pick up later and I wanted to cover as much ground as possible, early in the day. It felt like I was doing okay until the wind assisted…
John Coull Hut – Day 72.
What an interesting day… on the river, There was a lot of rain overnight but luckily everything in my tent remained dry-ish (dry for a tent at least). I actually got a good night’s sleep in as well… I must be getting use to my tent it seems, its…
All the way to Whanganui – Day 71.
Well, my final day of walking on this stint, I was up (not before) but pretty close to “with the birds” this morning. I didn’t set an alarm but trusted in the universe to wake me up early… and it did. Low tide was at around 4:30am this morning,…
On the beach to Koitiata – Day 70.
It is going to be an interesting and long one today, I started off just before 7am and tried to make the most of the cool conditions. It was set to be a scorcher, but it didn’t look the part just yet. I slept again at private “homestay” accomodation…