Category: Te Araroa
A day on the trail – More info
Poads Road and to Levin – Day 61.
Walking out today, in the rain, Good luck on my part, three other southbound TA walkers joined me in Waiopehu hut late yesterday evening. It was great because the hut was a little warmer with four bodies inside and more cosy after a little conversation. This morning however the…
Waiopehu Hut – Day 60.
A short “hop” over two peaks to get to the next hut, The weather is turing and not for the better. Ellen was leaving this morning with the plan of completing a big day, walking out to Levin, but I had other plans… just 5km to the next hut. …
Pukematawai & Te Matawai Hut – Day 59.
This was the nice-ish weather day, with views from the peaks, The weather looked the same as yesterday then I left Nichols hut this morning, but I was hopeful for improvement. Today I had to make up for lost time, camping at the end of Mangaone South Road by…
Mount Crawford & Nichols Hut – Day 58.
Up, up and more up, Today started with an insane climb through the jungle after crossing another impressive jungle bridge on this trail. This is one of the small leisure’s of this area, awesome swing or sway or suspension bridges (or whatever they are called). The climb was dreadfully…