Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Cycling to work

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Something I have been doing on most weekdays for the past year, was cycle to work and back.  To be honest, I did not anticipate that a)I would enjoy it as much as I did and b)the all round savings.  Saving on fuel and road tax for the ute being a big one, but also the fact that “Pirate” was not standing in the sun all day and getting dinged by other cars.  (Yes, of course my car has a name: Pirate)  I also like to think that I was contributing a little bit towards saving the environment, or perhaps it is just green washing.  
Another positive was having a 20min cycle home that could be used to clear my mind and leave work mentally before walking in the door at home.
Nevertheless, I will miss cycling once I start my walking trip on the 5th of February.  Even with my old bike, it was a dramatically quicker way to cover distance.
43.5323 – 172.5567
23 January 2024

2 responses to “Cycling to work”

  1. Wens ekke kon werk toe cycle..
    Vir all of the above reasons..

    Maar vandag.. In n round about situasie, jaag n Taxi amper in my in.. Nie eers probeer stop!
    Not safe to cycle here “-(