Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Dino – My ute has a name (finally).

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I know, I know, I owned it for almost 5 years, 
Someone said to me a loooong time ago that I have the ability to give any object a personality, and that normally included a good, well deserved, name.  When it came to my ute however I just struggled.  Nothing outstanding happened and there were no noteworthy events in the past that justified a name.  In the beginning, someone suggested “Pirate” as a name, because how do you know you are a pirate?  You just Rrrrrrr.  LOL and it is a “GLX-R”, so inherently it could be a pirate.  At another stage I almost called him “Dingo”, because he was (and still is) like a very obedient and reliable dog, always by my side and always ready to go out on a “walk”.  But it still didn’t feel right, I struggled creating the personality around it to be called “Dingo”.  
Alone came Clint, who suggested (or more to the point started calling him) “Dino”, abbreviated from dinosaur.  With the current, shall I call it war on “large gas guzzling vehicles and utes” in New Zealand, many would refer and think of him as a dinosaur.  Everybody goes on about electric vehicles and how they are the current fashion statement to have, but my dinosaur is still perfect for my needs, not to mention reliable and good looking I might add.  Please don’t get me wrong:  electric vehicles will be the way to go in the future, especially in NZ where most of the produced energy is from renewable resources, but I feel the environment already paid to produce my dinosaur, and if I sell it to purchase an EV, someone else will still be driving my dinosaur.
So “Dino” is what it will be, but which one and what personality will it have?  Velociraptor… not sure it is fast enough, and it isn’t built with aerodynamics or speed in mind.  Pterodactyl… no, it cant fly, I checked again.  Triceratops… maybe, certainly large enough and intimidating, but they were herbivores.  Brachiosaurus… okay, very large, room for the double cab and payload, but experts seem to think they lived in forests and floodplains near water, and they were “4-wheel drive”, which Dino is not.  So Tyrannosaurus Rex… 2-wheel drive, carnivore (diesel), large, loud and intimidating and yet funny with those weird looking front legs.  It is settled, “Dino” is a T-Rex and I found the perfect vinyl decal to fit his personality.    
43.5323 – 172.5567
21 June 2024

2 responses to “Dino – My ute has a name (finally).”

  1. So much thought process that goes into a name hey “-))

    The vinyl decal looks like it came with the ute.
    Aligned just perfectly..

    • Yes, things have to deserve it’s name… you cannot just pluck something random out of the sky. 🙂