Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Easy day today.

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Staying mostly in nature and going down to the lake for a swim, 
Avoiding the city for a little bit, I went for a walk with my one of my hosts through the fields and forests down to the lake for a swim.  So calm and beautiful plus mostly down hill to the lake.  Trust me, it was beautiful on the lakefront, very similar to lake Annecy and the water is warm too.  I enjoyed it so much, that I forgot to take pictures and that is why (to the few people reading this) you will just have to trust me.  LOL
It was great to catchup on conversation in Afrikaans and I realised how much I miss being able to communicate in my own home language.  I probably talked way way too much, but what can I say… sorry?  Interestingly enough, I knew my hosts from South Africa and they took a similar immigration journey back in 2019 to Switzerland.  I was astounded to see how things turned out for them and the different challenges they face(d) and hard decisions that still lay ahead for them.  They also have to take into consideration their children, some of whom is living in South Africa and the other here with them in Zurich.  Again I just realised how lucky I am, because well… things didn’t quite go as planned in my life either, everyone is dealing with their own struggles and for the most part I am not.  I know I say this a lot, but it will all work out (eventually), even if not as we planned it.  The universe will ensure that it all works out.
Speaking of the universe and working out things… I am astounded by life and how we are all on a path to somewhere or something.  We also never know how and when our path will cross the path of another person, someone we might have known from way way back, or someone completely new.  I will be moving on to Belgium soon and will be staying with a friend I last met in person, 25 years ago in school.  Now that I am closer to the time, I cannot help to be anxious about the meet.  What have I done?  What was I thinking setting this up?  We both have had our separate lives for 25 year and now I am thinking that I might feel like a strange in her and her partner’s home.  I mean, I did ask to meet up and stay for a couple of days, and they did say yes, but was it right of me to do so…  The hamster is running {outcome and conclusion pending}.  Also, something else is coming back around from the retreat that I cannot and want not to ignore.  I made a conscious effort to trust the universe in whatever outcome it presents regarding this, but I secretly hoped that it would turn in the direction that it seems to be.  Now perhaps it was this (now not so) secret “hope” that in fact helped the steering along in the direction that I wanted, but I guess I will never know.  Lots to think about and a lot of things to sort out, take into consideration and maybe a little planning ahead as well.  Will have to see…  
43.5323 – 172.5567
16 August 2024

4 responses to “Easy day today.”

  1. I can’t help but wonder which version of Philip I’m going to meet in SA next month, but it seems quite likely the long and multi faceted path or journey you are on has been shaping a new version.
    While you are meandering around Europe, Christchurch is drowning in a prolonged deluge but sunshine returns tomorrow.
    While you are in Belgium you should check out the rediculous selection (number) of beers on offer. Some are ‘trapist’ alongside craft beers, but imagine a flavour and you can probably find it.

    • Cliff, I would not be too worried if I was you, you will recognize me when you see me at the airport. I don’t think that I have changed that much at all, but that is the thing about change, it happens gradually, kind of unnoticed. Glad you had some sunshine… don’t wish the winter away, before you know it, we will be complaining about the summer heat.

  2. Nature is just always such a magical place..

    Die Hamster is omtrent on a roll..
    Just breathe.. One day at a time..

    Belgium will be good.. You will see 😊