Trying to stay in touch with the world while sharing my adventure, posting some photographs and recording my thoughts.

Exciting stuff… no wait, not yet…

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Secretly I was very much looking forward to today, 
Yep, the ship with my freight container from South Africa arrived in Lyttelton harbour on the weekend.  Secretly I was hoping to get a call or email today with a progress update from the shipping company but it unfortunately did not happen.  I knew it was the holidays and I was only promised real progress next week, but still I was hoping for some good news.  (Like a kid on Christmas eve)  I could not help but to be a little excited about today… being reminded constantly that the key to my car is in the kitchen drawer.  I placed a call to the shipping company late today but nobody answered.  To be fair, I wish everyone some well deserved time off during this time of year so I just need to stay put.  
Then with the new year almost upon me… I am thinking a lot lately about my new year’s resolutions for 2025.  This year has been great and I only had one plan… “no plan, purpose or pressure” but I think 2025 will be different.  (Perhaps it needs to be different)  I still don’t know if I should just hand it ALL over to the universe or perhaps do make a small list of things to focus on.  (Thinking…)  I guess I have another day or two to decide and to make the list, so time will tell.  Exciting stuff… right?  Creating the future the I want.
After all of the above, I just got a little deflated and stuck… stuck in a bad state of being and wasted the rest of the day away in front of the TV, eating far too much and digging the hole deeper.  Ugh.  Stop it.  
43.5323 – 172.5567 
30 December 2024

4 responses to “Exciting stuff… no wait, not yet…”

  1. Like a kid on Christmas eve – I feel like that too for your sake!
    Sorry that it did not pan out as you hoped – soon though!

    that the key to your car is in the kitchen drawer – waiting in anticipation~ WHOOP!

    “After all of the above, I just got a little deflated and stuck… stuck in a bad state of being and wasted the rest of the day away in front of the TV, eating far too much and digging the hole deeper. Ugh. Stop it. ”
    We all go through this – be kind to yourself!

    The Universe, your 2025 plans, etc – it will all fall into place – you will see ‘-)

  2. Only one reply to the second paragraph and it’s my mantra from years as a project manager.
    Failing to plan is planning to fail.
    I reckon your reward will be equal to the effort you put into planning (within reason) and leaving it to the universe might just be the easy way out.
    There it is. Cliff unfiltered.

    • I am confident there will be some plan of sorts, maybe “finding the new balance” here still applies.
      Oh, and Cliff should always be unfiltered… I like him that way.