Ugh, where do I start?
There was a small window for flying at Taylor’s Mistake this morning. I checked the weather as soon as I opened my eyes this morning, fell out of bed, jumped through the shower and were on the road to join my friend Clint on “the hill”. The strong conditions soon eased and I managed to complete a couple of flights before it inevitably turned off. I was bold enough to make a run to the cliffs on my last flight and spend a little time “in the executive suite” before landing at the bottom. I was not good enough to make it back to launch flying, so I walked back up after packing everything at the bottom. I snapped some photo’s of Clint.
Then can the “being a fool” part of this story. After making it back to launch I was sitting around make conversation while other pilots and students were doing “sledd-ies”. <-A term used to characterise a flight where you know there will be no lift and certain you will land at the bottom. Clint landed and I stood next to him while he wrapped everything and walked with him to his car. We said our goodbyes, I got in my car and drove off. (<-You see the problem here?) I totally left all my paragliding gear on launch and drove off without noticing or checking… such an idiot. I only realised this mistake once I got home, after stopping in town at a couple of places and visiting the optometrist. It felt quite surreal when I opened the back door of the ute to unload my glider and find nothing… Only the Hamster in my head responding with “oh, we felt all of that on launch stupid”. I am not sure who should be wearing the t-shirt that reads “I am with stupid”? Me or the Hamster? Looong story short, other good people saw my stuff and took it to their home and after a bit of “running” around I have everything back safe and sound. I just feel like such a fool. So dissapointed in me. Ugh.
I had an exceptionally nice chat with Skylar tonight and things are going well. Seems we can talk about anything… yes anything… and be okay with it. I am really looking forward to my trip in February to go and visit her. Cannot wait to be there, talk in person and have a real relationship.
43.5323 – 172.5567
25 January 2025
2 responses to “Flying… and being a fool.”
It’s actually almost refreshing to know you aren’t ‘perfect’ and can make mistakes like the rest of us mere mortals. I’ve left my helmet or my gloves up there on several occasions, but I have to admit I haven’t forgotten my entire ‘rig’.
Such a fool I am. Stupid. (I made a checklist now that I will leave in the car)